Progress with PDA

Get clear about what will *actually* help your PDA child or teen thrive over the long term. 


Purchase pre-recorded workshop!


Progress with PDA

What would it feel like to be back in the driver's seat as a parent? 

What would it feel like to *know* beyond a doubt that you are on the right path to supporting your child or teen's well-being, nervous system and mental health over the long term? 

Not only is it possible, this pre-recorded workshop is designed to provide a step-by-step process for attaining more peace and clarity as a parent, as well as a method for figuring out what works for your unique child and family. 

No more gaslighting by professionals.

No more not knowing what to say in the pediatrician's office.

No more comparing yourself to other parents.

No more doubt about the path you are on.

You are in charge again. 

In this pre-recorded course you will:

  • Shift your mindset about how to *KNOW* if a therapeutic approach is truly supportive of your PDA child or teen.
  • Learn practical steps for supporting your child or teen's well-being, mental health, and access to basic needs (eating, toileting, sleeping, hygiene, and safety). 
  • Achieve clarity on how to chart your own path for your child and your unique family (enough of the comparison game!).
  • Learn how to tell whether your child or teen is responding with a fight, flight, or freeze response in the moment, even if they aren’t able to express it to you with words.
  • Develop a plan to experiment with the nine most effective accommodations for your child’s nervous system.
  • Understand how you can shift things immediately AND track progress for years to come.

 Here is what is included in Progress with PDA:

2.5-hour video Module 1: How to Track Indicators with Your PDA Child or Teen

2.5-hour video Module 2: Accommodation Intensive

2.5-hour Audio file from Module 3: Reframing Progress and Trouble-Shooting Q+A

20-minute video Module 3: "Reframing Progress" with PDA 

✓ Progress with PDA Workbook 

✓ Accommodation Intensive Workbook

BONUS: 20-minute de-escalation video!


Purchase now!

Who is the Progress with PDA workshop for? 

PARENTS WHO... Are ready to take a systematic approach to understanding their child's nervous system and well-being that is focused on connection, basic needs, and the nervous system, rather than compliance, skill acquisition, or the typical developmental timelines that many teachers, doctors, and therapists focus on.

... Want to take action immediately.  This workshop is about implementation and action, so parents who purchase should be willing to work on their mindset and set aside time to focus on making the shifts.  

This program is NOT for parents who: 

Are looking for a therapist, support group, or crisis intervention.   

Are looking for a another set of rules, dogma, or an "only one way of doing things" parenting program.

Are not willing to change their own behavior, thought patterns, or take responsibility for their own agency and decision-making within the constraints they face. 

Are looking to fix their child and gain compliance using reward-sanction approaches or traditional parenting techniques. (This program is literally the opposite of that!)

Don't want to be triggered (The unvarnished truth may trigger you, but it will also help you get you unstuck!)

 If you are anything like the families I work with...


Your have been bombarded with all the "shoulds" from your child's teachers, pediatrician, therapists, and grandparents. You may know you are on the right path intuitively, but you have trouble clearly organizing and communicating your thoughts around it.

You want a systematic and objective approach to understanding whether the accommodations are actually working to help your child thrive, and you want to see it with your own two eyes!

You are tired of people judging your parenting, but haven't had the proof and data you needed to confidently respond. 

You may know how your child's brain works, and have a sense of big picture words like "autonomy" and "lowering demands," but you want someone to break it down, simply, clearly, and practically and teach you to actually set up an accommodation approach that works for your family.

You are sick of the judgment and dogma in the parenting space, from whatever angle it is flying at you!

If so, you are in the right place. 

You don't need a Ph.D. or an M.D. to know what your child needs.  


What if I told you that parenting a PDA child or teen doesn't have to be this chaotic and confusing? 


Not only is it possible, but this recorded workshop will teach you how to track your PDA child or teens' nervous system, connection to you, basic needs access (toileting, hygiene, sleep, eating, and safety), and fight/flight/freeze behavior over the long term.

This is not just a workshop, this is the foundation of how to think about, measure, and track your child or teen's progress over the next 5, 10, 15 years. 

The workshop will teach you how to approach your child with a scientific and objective mindset, so that you stop doubting yourself and you can determine what is actually working in your home.

It will guide you directly to a path that works for your specific family, even if that is different than the other families in the PDA support groups.

This workshop will give you the tools you need to develop a concrete plan to accommodate your child in a way that is actionable, do-able, and not overwhelming. By doing so, it will fundamentally shift your approach to caregiving for a PDA child, leading to more confidence, empowerment and peace.

Finally, the program will also help you dissolve doubt and self-judgment, because you will realize that it is OK and necessary to experiment mindfully and with observation of what works and what doesn't.

You are back in the driver's seat as a parent. 

Purchase Now!

Join the 100s of other parents of PDA children and teens who have made progress!

Take a look at what people have said...

"This workshop gave us a practical, data driven framework to create accommodations that I've been wishing for. We have a way to understand what's working, what's not, and support our child. Even better, it's a framework I can use moving forward - so it will fit our family today, next month, and next year. No matter what happens. This is the best investment I've made for our family in years."

Kyla R. 

"The workshop is truly life altering. Casey's knowledge on PDA is deeper and more thorough than any resource I've found in the United States! She's accessible and approachable in a way that very few professionals have been since getting our son's ASD diagnosis. We feel like we struck PURE GOLD finding Casey and her work and look forward to future course offerings!"

Ruth and Alan H. 


"Casey has such an amazing way of facilitating sessions about PDA. She has an academic background and lived experience of PDA which when combined give a professional and yet very compassionate feel to the sessions. I have never felt so seen and heard before regarding our yet-to-be diagnosed daughter."

Laura W


"Casey is truly a God-send for me and my husband (and my mom too who took the grandparent class) in helping us understand and better support our daughter. Literally everything out of her mouth is gold. If you are on the fence, I would not hesitate to take any of her courses."

Katie O. 

"My daughter was recently diagnosed with PDA and I found Casey’s accommodation workshop and all of her other resources (Instagram, podcasts, etc etc) to be sometime I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT." 

Alywn W. 

- What's Included -

 Let's take a look at the "Progress with PDA" methodology

Session 1: Tracking Your Child's Progress with The Data *YOU* Care About

What it includes:

 Casey's methodology for using the scientific process to track your child's well-being and nervous system activation.

 Real-life, concrete examples of how to collect data on your child's fight/flight/freeze response, access to basic needs and connection to you. 

 Fundamental mindset shifts to help you get out of "compliance" and traditional parenting mode.

 An original workbook with over a dozen real-life examples of PDA children and teens and how to track progress, regardless of PDA expression (internalized vs. externalized threat response). 

Session 2: The Nine Most Powerful Accommodations for a PDA Child or Teen

What it includes:

 Understanding how to use an "experimental mindset" to learn what works for your family and child.  

  A plan for how to try out new accommodations in a way that is practical and reflects your family constraints.

 A second original workbook explaining the nine most important accommodations, with reflection questions and mindset shifts to help you move forward. 

Session 3: Trouble-Shooting and Refining

What it includes:

  Reframing Progress and an audio recording from live Q+A from original workshop.

  A plan for next steps and how to continue to make progress with your PDA child or teen. 

  Deepening mindset shifts to set your family on a path to more peace. 

Frequently Asked Questions

>> Hey there, I'm Casey!

I bring principles of non-violence, non-reactivity, and non-judgment to my work with parents of PDA children. At the same time, I ground my teaching in a solid foundation of research and the scientific process.

I am also a mother raising an 8-year-old PDA son, a 4-year-old son, and a black lab service dog named Diesel!

  • Certified to work with PDA children, teens, and adults through the UK-based, OCN-accredited organization.
  • Co-founder of "PDA Parents" Community and Podcast
  • Achievement of Consistent Excellence Award leading Research Integrity team at the Pew Charitable Trusts (Washington D.C.)
  • Ph.D. in Political Science (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
  • Original doctoral research on violence, peace, trauma, and reconciliation.
  • Master's of Political And Economic Development (Columbia University)
  • Guggenheim Peace Fellow
  • United States Institute of Peace Fellow
  • National Science Foundation Scholar
  • Social Science Research Council Scholar
  • Fulbright Scholar - Teaching and Transitional Justice
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