Third Party Payment

Please scroll down to find information on third-party funders we have worked with. If you have a question about one of them, or are working with a government/funder we haven't listed, please email us at [email protected]

Australia (NDIS)

Hundreds of families have used NDIS funds to pay or get reimbursed for our programming. Most use NDIS line item 15_038_0117_1_3 (Training for Carers/Parents).

To request an invoice for a program or class you'd like to participate in, or a receipt for one you've already enrolled in, please use this form to share the information you need the document to include. Because we are based in the USA, we are also happy to provide an ABN exemption statement.

Additionally, please know that as a USA-based business we are not able to register with NDIS, but according to the NDIS Commission, the services we provide do not require us to be an NDIS registered provider. 

Finally, a note for NDIS plan managers - we are banked in the USA where banks do not have BSB numbers. However, we are happy to provide our SWIFT Code for international wire transfers, or payment can be submitted online with a credit or debit card. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us directly at [email protected].


British Columbia - A family told us the British Columbia Autism Unit paid for their participation in the Paradigm Shift Program™.

Ontario - A family received reimbursement for one of our classes from Special Services at Home, a program of the Ontario Autism Unit. 

United States of America

Health Insurance - We are not medical practitioners - Dr. Ehrlich is a social scientist - do not have a billing code, and have not yet found an insurance company willing to pay for our services. However, we are happy to provide the information we have if you believe your insurance is open to working with us.

Health Savings Accounts - At least one family got HSA payment approved for our Paradigm Shift Program™. We are not medical practitioners - Dr. Ehrlich is a social scientist - but are happy to provide our business license and certification information upon request.

Arizona - families have successfully utilized the state's Empowerment Scholarship Account program to pay for our programming. Please use this form to request an invoice or receipt. We are also happy to provide our business license and certification information as needed.

California - Multiple families have used the Self Determination Program and their regional center to pay for the Paradigm Shift Program™.

Colorado - A family successfully used the Children's Extensive Support Waiver program to pay for part of the Paradigm Shift Program.

Maryland - The Maryland Coalition of Families paid for a family to participate in our Paradigm Shift Program™.

Oregon - The state's Office of Developmental Disabilities funded a family (that we know of) to participate in our Paradigm Shift Program™. This funding was requested by the family's caseworker, who worked for the county they lived in.

Wisconsin - We are registered with the state's CLTS waiver program and have individual contracts in place or pending with several counties. Please ask your caseworker about working with us, and feel free to connect us to them directly at [email protected].